Civil liberties advocates are raising concerns about the use of Google search data by police to help solve criminal cases. This practice is facing increased scrutiny nationwide.
In a case from 2016, a Pennsylvania woman was raped and the police submitted a search warrant to Google, requesting information about users who had searched for the victim’s name or address in the week leading up to the attack. Google responded by providing the IP address of a user who had searched for the victim’s address shortly before the incident. This breakthrough led to the arrest and conviction of a corrections officer.
However, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL), and its Pennsylvania chapter argue that the investigative technique used in this case, known as a keyword search warrant, is overly broad and poses a threat to the privacy rights of innocent individuals. They argue that keyword search warrants, which allow the government to access private information, should be deemed unconstitutional by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.
Michael Price, the NACDL Fourth Amendment Center Litigation Director, stated that keyword search warrants are digital dragnets that invade our privacy, and they should not be allowed under the Fourth Amendment.
Lawyers representing the defendant and a spokesperson for Google have not yet commented on the matter.
Although there have been few reported instances of keyword search warrants, the practice has drawn attention, particularly after the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on abortion rights. Privacy advocates warn that keyword search warrants, along with geofence warrants, which involve requesting data from Google about users in proximity to a crime scene, could be used to prosecute women who obtain abortions in states where it is illegal.
In October, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that evidence obtained from a keyword search warrant could be used in a murder case. This decision raised concerns that more police would adopt this controversial technique. However, the court emphasized that its ruling was specific to the case at hand and did not make a broad statement about the use of Google search data.
Advocates are hopeful for a different outcome in Pennsylvania, as they believe the state’s Supreme Court may rule differently. Andrew Crocker, the EFF Surveillance Litigation Director, stated that Google’s recent decision to stop responding to geofence warrants makes it even more crucial for courts to evaluate the constitutionality of keyword search warrants.
Google’s shift in policy regarding geofence warrants raises the importance of reevaluating keyword warrants, as law enforcement agencies may increasingly turn to these investigative tools, according to Crocker.
The use of Google search data by police is facing a new legal challenge, with civil liberties advocates arguing that the practice is overly broad and infringes on privacy rights. The outcome of this case in Pennsylvania could have significant implications for the use of keyword search warrants in criminal investigations.
1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public sources, Desk research
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Money Singh is a seasoned content writer with over four years of experience in the market research sector. Her expertise spans various industries, including food and beverages, biotechnology, chemical and materials, defense and aerospace, consumer goods, etc.