July 25, 2024

Mobileye CEO Anticipates Increase in Autonomous Vehicles on the Road in the Next Two years as Technology Advances

In a bid to revolutionize the transportation industry, automakers and tech companies had high hopes of introducing thousands of self-driving robotaxis that could transport passengers without a human driver. However, recent setbacks including an autonomous Uber test vehicle being involved in a fatal accident in Arizona, Tesla’s partially automated systems facing complications, and General Motors’ Cruise robotaxis encountering issues in San Francisco, have slowed down progress in the field. Despite these setbacks, Amnon Shashua, co-founder and CEO of Mobileye, a leading Israeli public company with majority ownership by Intel, remains optimistic about the future of autonomous technology.

Mobileye has been at the forefront of developing partially automated driver-assist systems and fully autonomous technology. Currently, their systems are integrated into vehicles, enabling them to handle certain driving functions such as steering and braking. However, a human driver is still required to be vigilant and ready to take control if necessary. Shashua predicts that within the next two years, advancements in technology will enable the development of systems that allow drivers to divert their attention from the road, as well as fully autonomous systems.

In an interview with The Associated Press, Shashua discussed the next steps toward achieving autonomous vehicles. The following are excerpts from the interview, edited for brevity and clarity:

Q: How do you view the current state of autonomous vehicle technology?

Shashua: Despite recent setbacks, I am confident that autonomous vehicle technology is progressing steadily. These setbacks have served as important lessons for the industry to address and resolve critical safety concerns. We have witnessed significant improvements in the reliability and capability of autonomous systems, and we are now on the brink of achieving major milestones in the field.

Q: What challenges need to be overcome to achieve fully autonomous vehicles?

Shashua: The development of fully autonomous vehicles involves a significant number of technical and regulatory challenges. Technical challenges include the need to refine sensor technology, improve navigation capabilities, and enhance decision-making algorithms. Regulatory challenges involve the establishment of clear guidelines and standards to ensure the safety and legality of autonomous vehicles on public roads. Collaboration between industry players, regulators, and policymakers is crucial to overcome these challenges and facilitate the widespread adoption of autonomous technology.

Q: How does Mobileye plan to contribute to the advancement of autonomous vehicles?

Shashua: Mobileye is committed to developing advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) that pave the way for autonomous driving. Our technology, which encompasses advanced cameras, sensors, and machine learning algorithms, plays a crucial role in enhancing the safety and performance of vehicles. We are also collaborating with automakers and other industry partners to integrate our technology into their vehicles and accelerate the deployment of autonomous systems.

Q: What role will regulation play in the adoption of autonomous vehicles?

Shashua: Regulation is a critical factor in the successful deployment of autonomous vehicles. Clear and comprehensive regulations are necessary to ensure the safety, security, and ethical considerations associated with autonomous technology. At the same time, regulations should avoid being overly restrictive, but rather provide a framework that encourages innovation and technological advancements. Governments around the world need to work closely with industry stakeholders to establish harmonized regulations that facilitate the adoption of autonomous vehicles.

Q: What can we expect to see in the next two years in terms of autonomous vehicle development?

Shashua: Over the next two years, we can expect to see significant progress in autonomous vehicle development. Vehicles equipped with advanced driver-assistance systems will become more prevalent on the roads, offering enhanced safety features and improved driving experiences. Additionally, we anticipate the introduction of systems that allow drivers to disengage from the driving task and focus on other activities while the vehicle handles the driving autonomously. This will mark a major step toward the widespread adoption of fully autonomous vehicles in the near future.

In conclusion, despite the setbacks faced by the autonomous vehicle industry, Mobileye’s CEO, Amnon Shashua, remains optimistic about the future of autonomous technology. Advancements in the next two years are expected to bring us closer to fully autonomous vehicles, with improved safety features and the ability for drivers to delegate driving tasks to the vehicle. Collaboration between industry players, regulators, and policymakers will be crucial in overcoming technical and regulatory challenges and establishing a framework that promotes the safe and widespread adoption of autonomous vehicles.

1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public sources, Desk research
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