Gastritis is a common medical condition where the lining of the stomach becomes inflamed or swollen. Left untreated, it can cause discomfort and pain. However, there are several effective treatment options available that can help provide relief and heal the inflammation. In this article, we will explore the various treatment approaches for gastritis.
Causes of Gastritis
Gastritis has multiple underlying causes that can trigger the inflammatory response in the stomach. Some of the common causes include infection by bacteria such as Helicobacter pylori, excessive consumption of alcohol, long-term usage of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and stress. Other potential causes are autoimmune disorders, chronic illnesses, dietary issues, smoking, viral infections, metabolic disorders, gastrointestinal reflux disease (GERD), etc. Understanding the triggering cause helps determine the most suitable treatment plan.
Lifestyle and Dietary Changes
Making adjustments to lifestyle and diet is usually the first line of treatment for gastritis. Quitting smoking and limiting alcohol intake can help reduce irritation in the stomach. It is also recommended to avoid foods that can aggravate symptoms like fatty, spicy, acidic foods. Small, frequent meals should be preferred over large ones. Staying hydrated and managing stress levels are also important for healing. Proper chewing of food and not rushing meals allows for thorough digestion.
Medications are commonly prescribed to treat underlying infections, reduce acid production, protect the stomach lining, or deliver antibiotics directly into the stomach.
– Antacids like calcium carbonate, magnesium hydroxide are used to neutralize stomach acid and provide fast relief from heartburn and acidity.
– H2 blockers like ranitidine, famotidine work by reducing acid secretion in the stomach.
– Proton pump inhibitors like omeprazole, pantoprazole are more potent acid suppressants prescribed for several weeks in case of severe gastritis.
– Antibiotics to specifically treat H. pylori infection if it is the cause. A combination of medications like clarithromycin, amoxicillin, metronidazole is prescribed.
– Misoprostol/sucralfate to coat and protect the inflamed stomach lining from the effects of acid and pepsin.
– Bismuth subsalicylate an over-the-counter medication used to reduce gastrointestinal symptoms.
Natural Remedies
Several herbal remedies and supplements also offer relief and support healing in gastritis. Things like aloe vera juice, licorice root, DGL licorice, slippery elm bark, marshmallow root, etc. help soothe the stomach and reduce inflammation. Probiotics boost healthy gut bacteria that dwindles due to gastritis. Fish oil, vitamins A, C, E are also beneficial due to their antioxidant properties. Practices like ginger consumption, peppermint tea are traditional methods used.
When to See a Doctor
While lifestyle and medication can help control gastritis symptoms, it is important to see a gastroenterologist if:
– Symptoms do not improve with self-care after 2-4 weeks.
– There is bleeding in vomit or stool.
– Significant weight loss has occurred due to loss of appetite.
– Symptoms get severely painful.
– There is anemia or weakness from continued gastrointestinal bleeding.
The doctor will conduct endoscopy, imaging, blood tests to determine the severity, investigate causes, rule our other conditions and design a customized treatment plan which may include procedures.
Gastric Balloon and Endoscopy Treatments
For refractory chronic cases not responding well to medication alone, doctors may suggest additional invasive treatments. Temporary gastric balloons are placed in the stomach via endoscopy to physically reduce capacity and combat overeating. It leads to weight loss which alleviates stress on the gastric lining. Injection of steroids during endoscopy helps reduce inflammation locally. Radiofrequency ablation, cryotherapy help destroy unwanted cells and promote healing. Surgical procedures like partial gastrectomy are only considered in extreme cases.
Overall, gastritis has effective treatments available that provide considerable relief when administered properly based on individual condition. A multimodal approach combining lifestyle changes, prescription medications, dietary supplements and natural remedies under medical guidance leads to best results in curing this inflammatory stomach condition over the long term. Timely management prevents worsening of symptoms and complications.
1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public sources, Desk research
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Money Singh is a seasoned content writer with over four years of experience in the market research sector. Her expertise spans various industries, including food and beverages, biotechnology, chemical and materials, defense and aerospace, consumer goods, etc.